Movie Club

A picture of the movie logo with musical notes.Note: May Movie Club moved to 26th, the 4th Sunday due to graduation conflicts!

On the third Sunday of each month, we get together to see a really good movie.  Lenna Webb researches our choices of films available that weekend and puts out a list with a short synopsis of each film from which the core “movie club” members choose. We tend to pick “art house” films showing at the Angelica Theaters in either Dallas or Plano, but we have gone to more main stream wide releases when something really good comes along.  Once the movie is selected, Lenna lets us all know by email, which movie was selected, where it is showing and what time.

After the show, some, if not all of the group go out to dinner at a nearby restaurant to discuss the movie and, of course, politics. We gather outside the area for the particular theater in which we just saw the movie before moving to the restaurant. A group of people sitting at a table with drinks.

If this sounds like fun to you, contact Lenna Webb at (214) 704-8322, or  preferably, fill out the form below to be put on our contact list.