Constitution and Bylaws

Texas Democratic Women, North Dallas Chapter


Article 1

North Dallas Texas Democratic Women (NDTDW) will promote the increased political activity and awareness of Democratic women in Texas politics and government.

Article II

NDTDW will provide support for Democrats working in party organizations, campaigns and/or seeking public office.  The group will work to promote increased representation of women in party and government institutions.  NDTDW will promote legislative, executive and judicial policies that enhance the social and economic well-being of Texans.

Article III
Section 1.

Any Democrat who supports the purpose of the organization is eligible for membership.

Section 2.

Membership is established by the annual payment of dues to NDTDW.

Section 3.

Members may be suspended for cause and — in cases of exceptional gravity – may, by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the membership in attendance at the meeting where the suspension is being considered, be expelled.  Any member expelled shall have the right to appeal to members in good standing at a meeting called by written notice to hear such appeal.  Action taken at said meeting by a majority vote thereof shall be final.

Article IV
Officers and Board
Section 1.

The officers of the club shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2.

The officers shall be elected biennially by a majority vote of the membership attending a meeting called for such purpose in the fourth quarter of odd numbered years.  Officers shall hold office until the election of their successors.  In the event of officer resignation, the Executive Board shall fill the vacancy by a majority vote.

Section 3.

The Executive Board will be composed of officers, the immediate past President, and four additional members nominated and elected by a majority of the membership at the same meeting during which the officers are elected and all Committee Chairs as defined in the Bylaws.  If for some reason, if the immediate past President cannot serve on the board, a fifth board member will be nominated and elected.

Article V

Club meetings shall be scheduled by the Executive Board with proper notification of all members.

Article VI
Section 1.

Membership dues will be established in the bylaws.

Section 2.

Special assessments may be solicited, but must be approved by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the membership in attendance at the meeting where the assessment is being considered.

Article VII
Section 1.

All decisions that are made by the Executive Board or membership shall be made by a majority vote of those in attendance except in those instances specified in the constitution or bylaws.

Section 2.

At the discretion of the President, the Executive Board may vote electronically on any motion or proposal between board meetings as needed.

Section 3.

Only persons who are members in good standing shall be eligible to vote.

Article VIII
Robert’s Rules of Order

Robert’s Rules of Order, the most current version, shall be the parliamentary        authority for this organization

Texas Democratic Women, North Dallas Chapter
Revised 1/13/14

 Article I – Officer’s Duties

Section 1.

            President – Preside over the monthly General Meetings and Board Meetings.  Set the agenda for the General Meetings and Board Meetings with input from other officers and board members. Serve as liaison with other democratic entities, campaigns and officials including the Interclub Council. Attend the annual Texas Democratic Women’s convention or assure that an alternate representative attends.

Section 2.

            Vice President – Preside over the monthly General Meeting and Board Meeting in the President’s absence. Serve as program chair, researching and presenting potential programs to the Executive Board.

Section 3.

            Secretary – Take notes during the Board Meetings and during General Meetings where issues of ongoing importance are discussed and voted upon to be maintained as the official minutes of the NDTDW. If there is no Communications Chair, post notices of the NDTDW meetings and events in the newspapers and other media.

Section 4.

            Treasurer – Receive, document and deposit monies collected from dues and other sources of revenue for the NDTDW in the chapter’s bank account.  Disburse funds for regular expenditures and those periodically authorized by the board.  Present a report of the NDTDW financial position at the Board and Membership Meetings.  Maintain membership records in a database and archive the paper membership applications. Keep the Membership Chair, the Communications Chair and the President updated on new members. Advise the Movie Club Chair and Book Club Chair of new members who want to participate in those clubs.  Prepare reports and payments to the Texas Democratic Woman as required.  Prepare all necessary reports to the Texas Ethics Commission as required by NDTDW’s status as a GPAC. Prepare an annual budget with the assistance of the Board and present to the full membership at the January meeting.  The budget will be voted upon at the February General Meeting.

Article II – Finances

Section 1.

The North Dallas Texas Democratic Women’s fiscal year shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st.  Annual membership dues shall be payable in January, or upon joining the NDTDW.  Anyone paying dues after November 1st is paid for that fiscal year and the next

Section 2.

Membership levels and amounts are determined by the Executive Board.  Such membership levels and amounts will be reflected in the Membership Application & Renewal Form.  Any changes must be announced to the membership at least two months prior to the effective date of the change.

Article III – Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any monthly meeting, provided that notice of the proposed change has been given at the previous meeting or in writing at least two (2) weeks prior to the vote.

Article IV – Standing Committee’s & Club Duties
Section 1.  Membership Committee
Purpose:       To build Membership
Activities:      Maintain current membership lists in coordination with the Treasurer and the President.  Provide name tags for all members to be worn at meetings and then returned at the end of each meeting to be maintained by the committee.  Greet members and guests at the General Meetings.  Provide Membership Applications at meetings and other events where NDTDW is represented. Recognize birthdays, serious illnesses and bereavements by sending cards or flowers and notifying our membership of these events.  Plan fun events to supplement our monthly meetings. Coordinate with the Treasurer to keep membership lists current.

Section 4. – Communications Committee
Purpose:       Provide organized and effective communications of club activities and key issues to the public.
Activities:      Establish contact with and nurture media relations in the County and State.  Update media calendars in a timely manner of all upcoming NDTDW events that are open to the public.  In conjunction with the President, send out Press Releases regarding special programs and items of interest. Update the NDTDW section of the Dallas County Democratic Party website and the TDW website. Send out meeting notices and other important information via the internet, mail or phone call. Coordinate with Membership and the Treasurer to keep distribution lists current.

 Section 5  – GOTV Committee
Purpose:       Get Out the Vote
Activities:      Organize the club’s voter registration education and phone-banking activities.  This includes neighborhood walks, working tables at high traffic events, visiting high school and college campuses, coordination with other groups sponsoring GOTV activities (e.g. NAACP, Unions, ACORN, other clubs) to optimize resources.

Section 6 – Nominating Committee
Purpose:       To nominate persons to fill the officer, board, committee and club positions biennially in odd number years.
Activities:      During a special meeting, bring forth names of persons qualified to fill all open positions.  Determine if those persons are willing to serve.  Present a list of nominees via email or mail and at the September General Meeting for consideration of the membership.  The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Executive Board.  Elections will be held at the October General Meeting.

Article V – Social Activities
Section 1 – Book Club
Purpose:       To discuss current book and enjoy members’ company.
Activities:      Meets every other month on a day determined by the members of the club.  Book choice is made by a consensus of the regular members. Members provide the refreshments.

Section 2 – Movie Club
Purpose:       To see quality movies and enjoy members’ company.
Activities:      Meets second Saturday of each month for movie and, usually a bite to eat.  Movie choice is made by a consensus of the regular members.  Spouses and friends of members are welcome.

Section 3 – Annual Parties
Purpose:  To create an event where members and their partners, potential members, elected officials and candidates can socialize.
Activities:  Arrange for an Annual Summer Party and Holiday Party.  Determine location, date and other specifics for each party.